Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

Download Ebook , by R.L. Merrill

Download Ebook , by R.L. Merrill

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, by R.L. Merrill

, by R.L. Merrill

, by R.L. Merrill

Download Ebook , by R.L. Merrill

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, by R.L. Merrill

Product details

File Size: 2936 KB

Print Length: 233 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (January 22, 2019)

Publication Date: January 22, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#164,959 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I loved this book! Toby has been (wisely) avoiding love given trauma in his past and has resigned himself to the idea that true intimacy isn't for him. He meets Spencer on a tropical vacation and, though he feels a deep connection to Spencer, sticks with his plan to let it go. A bit of a shaky plan for Toby, who is mildly famous (which allows Spencer to find him by happenstance). Spencer couldn't forget him either. This book is mainly about Toby giving a real relationship a try.It's hard to say more without spoilers, so I'll just say this is a great hurt/comfort love story that goes deep emotionally. R.L. Merrill always delivers real chemistry, real loyalty and all the feels. I also loved the connection to Reese's story (from the first book in the story "Hurricane Reese"), though this story totally works as a standalone. Great read!

This is on the short list of my all time favorite books. The story quickly drew me in and had me turning the pages late into the night to finish; I couldn’t put the book down. Toby is a force of nature and things around him seem to follow in the same vein. I love how the author captured Toby and was able to covey the storm that is Toby. The characters are realistic, believable, and endearing. This book had me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, I laughed, cried, and so much more. Words fail me in adequately trying to convey how much I love this book. It’s a wonderfully written story that is well worth reading.

SUCH a good book! The main characters, Toby and Spencer were a perfect pairing of opposites. Both damaged in their own way, both ready to heal and fall deeply in love with one another. It was really beautiful and I highly recommend. ALSO, if you've read Hurricane Reese or the Teacher trilogy by R.L., you'll love this book even more as those beloved characters pop up.

This is hard, I'm all about the funny and the weird when I review, it just seems to come out that way but this deserves a serious not weird one so here you go.Toby broke my heart, his image of himself, the damage that was done to him in the past, both by others and himself was heartbreaking .I wanted to just hug him and tell him not to give up, every thing would be ok.And Spencer, he never expected a Typhoon Toby to come blowing his whole world apart, but he handled it well.Then to top it all off we got to see Jesse and Danny and even got to find out never before heard parts of their lives.I can't even think of how to say this without sounding like a broken record but I absolutely loved this story. It's not just a LGBT story, it is a human story, and I adore these guys. My hope is that we get more in the future, please!

This novel is aptly named. Toby is indeed a force of nature, a tempestuous character who could wreck havoc to everybody and everything he gets in contact with. He certainly turned Spencer’s life upside down. And Reese’s before him.It was very clear early on the personalities of the main characters. Toby is the storm, Spencer is the port: steady and calm; maybe physically weak but mentally strong, especially at the second half. It’s a great pairing. Spencer needed to be needed and Toby needed to be taken care of.Typhoon Toby is full of heightened emotions, sometimes even violent ones. It’s a reminder that love is neither tidy nor clean. Just like the book, it’s messy, sexy, never boring. There were quiet moments too that helped balance all the angst. I also appreciate the music, dance, and friendships that enlivened the book.It’s not an easy read with topics of sexual abuse, drugs, and suicide highlighted. R.L. treated them with sensitivity but some readers might be triggered.Typhoon Toby can stand on its own, but in my opinion, it’s best to read the Teacher trilogy with Jesse and Danny and Hurricane Reese first to have a richer reading experience.

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, by R.L. Merrill PDF

, by R.L. Merrill PDF
, by R.L. Merrill PDF

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